Today's horoscope


The tables turn in a relationship. If you've been giving more, now it's your turn to receive. Tonight, once you step out of your routine, the adventure is wild, and you're even wilder.

Great. My (supposed-to-be) giver is thousands of miles away.

Dangit danggit.

posted by vina @ 11:34 AM            |

Aloooooha! Ha!

Sorry PAL.

Hawaiian Airlines will now have direct Manila flights starting April 14, 2008! Woohoo!

Mahalo Hawaiian Air! Mabuhay babe!

Get ready for the balut!!!

posted by vina @ 6:05 PM            |

The beijing post - almost there...

Before I formally write about my Beijing trip, I think it is more proper to introduce you all first to the Neko, sometimes and formerly known as just N.

Two crazy bloggers giving it a shot. Yup, that's us.

But I guess you've figured that out by now, huh? :P

Yeah, yeah...i'm stalling.

posted by vina @ 6:50 PM            |


January 9

Hehe. Stupid me. I didn't even check that my draft yesterday was published. Thanks Consuela! :P

I was asking myself why I still couldn't write about my Beijing date with my Neko. It's been more than 2 months now! How could I not write about it? I absolutely loooove the place! And the people... Aaaah, yes, the charming, sweet people. Who wouldn't love them!?!

I fell in love with the place the first time I went there 2 years ago! In fact, it took a little more than a month before I could write about it! That's how much I adored it. Can't you feel my excitement?

Shiyet. I want to get it done and over with.

Oh baaaabe...can you write about it first?

posted by vina @ 7:33 PM            |

Happy New Year!

I have never been one to make resolutions for the new year. I never had specific goals. I just try to be always positive and let things come as they may. So far, I have no complaints.

Bring it on, 2008! I have never been this ready.

And to everyone, may this year be the year for you, too. :)

P.S. minor resolution: post Beijing.

posted by vina @ 8:06 PM            |