is there, or isn't there?

another x-men movie in the offing, that is.

(warning: spoilers ahead)

if you have watched the movie, and i mean till the end of the credits, then you will know what i mean: Professor Charles Xavier still lives (does he, really?). but with the death of Cyclops and Dr. Jean Grey/Phoenix, and Magneto and Mystique turning human (although there is THAT chess piece scene with Magneto), what is there next for the remaining mutants?

the director, Brett Ratner, who has done a terrific job filling in the shoes of Bryan Singer (well, except for the musical scoring which i did not like a bit), has already stated in an interview that this is the last of the installment. hmmmmm, do you think he's taking us for a ride? or is he just speaking from what he knows for now?

nevertheless, all three of the x-men movies did not disappoint and were worth every peso spent. The Last Stand, in particular, brought us closer to the characters and them to us. this one is more emotional and personal as the mutants proved to still be human, after all - capable of loving, more than anything else.

whether there will be another one or not is actually not important, i think. it's that all three are a keeper - a classic and hell of a ride times three.

the matrix and blade trilogies are a different story.

(be sure to sit through the end of the credits for the 10-second or so scene)

posted by vina @ 8:10 PM           


At 11:44 PM, May 28, 2006, Blogger ghee said...

Oh,i havent seen the movie yet,I dont wanna know the details.

Movies are late here.

I`m done with my homework,Vina,pls.check it later :D

happy manic monday!

At 1:08 AM, May 29, 2006, Blogger yuri said...

is phoenix in the new x-men? can't wait for it!

At 10:17 AM, May 29, 2006, Blogger Toni said...

Yikes! I didn't like it that much. I loved Wolverine though. I didn't stay till the credits, though I did see that Magneto chess scene. Can you whisper what happened in the credits? :D

At 10:25 AM, May 29, 2006, Blogger Gayzha said...

i was not very impressed with this in the plot did not glue together... and some of the characters were lost and some who were in just a particular scene got too much the Angel, or Swan or whatever he is... but then it is a good entertainment value.... :) thanks for dropping by my blog!

At 12:07 PM, May 29, 2006, Blogger vina said...

hi ghee. happy manic any day!!!

yur, yes phoenix is in the movie, but....basta panoorin mo na lang!

hi tons, i love wolverine, too! he IS x-men, after all.

hi jase, i know what you mean. hell, i was even bothered by the scoring! pero i kept comparing it to matrix and blade and how these two really sucked as a trilogy. at least, this one fared better.

At 1:06 PM, May 29, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I haven't seen this one yet. Maybe I'll just wait for the video copy... Hehe. :-)

At 4:18 PM, May 29, 2006, Blogger vina said...

uy snglguy, video copy ka dyan...sumbong kita kay tito edu.


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